{"title":"Examples of programming based on connected nodes","description":"These examples show how to program css, html, javascript and php in a visual way using nodes.","keywords":"examples, programming, nodes, visual, css, html, javascript, php"}

Mobile Shop with
smartphone simulator

This example shows a simple e-commerce application for smartphones.
The application contains 3 views: "home-view", "product-view" and "cart-view".

Canvas API Project Retained  mode

In this project is the basis for developing a drawing application using the Canvas API.
There are the tools: Zoom and Pan.

Google Charts project

This project shows how to use Google charts and make them parametric. There are wrapper classes with the main parameters. Each graph instance has a node connected with graph data.

Php Login project

This project shows how to use Php. The example creates a Php class that manages the login process.
The class implements 3 different views to show based on the result of the process.