{"title":"Google chart sample project","description":"This example shows how to use some Google charts. ( google charts ) using node code representation","keywords":"example,chart,nodes,google-chart"}

Google Charts project

This example shows how to use some Google charts. (Google graphics)
In this example, wrapper classes are created for graphs.

Each node/instance of the graph has properties: "title" , subtitle", etc., which are reflected on the graph.
Each graph node/instance has a connected "data" node where the data to be shown by the graph is defined.
To create a new graph, select a node/instance and its data node, duplicate them by shifting them while holding down the ALT key, and connect them to the page content node.
To modify the graph data click on the "data" node, the code editor will show the data.
Panels - Changing the SVG properties

Node representation of the project

In this project there are 2 pages: "chart-project", "chart-controllers".
The first page is of type HTML while the second is of type Javascript and contains the wrapper classes of the graphs.
In the image, the "data" node connected to an instance of a graph is selected.
The code editor displays the graph's used data.
Panels - Changing the SVG properties

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